Our focus during the 21-Day Excellence involves
Fasting, Faith, Fitness, Family, Friends, and Finances
Will you join us?
21-day FasT GUIDE
Our focus during the 21-Day Excellence involves
Fasting, Faith, Fitness, Family, Friends, and Finances
21-Day Excellence FAST
Our focus during the 21-Day Excellence involves
Fasting, Faith, Fitness, Family, Friends, and Finances
• Fasting
Enjoy plenty of vegetables and water; refrain from all meats, sweets/sugar products, caffeine and carbonated beverages, pasta, and bread. (Daniel fast)
You can also create your own fast: such as 21 days with no bread and sweets or 21 days with no sodas and coffee.
• Fitness
Complete 15 minutes of muscular and cardio exercise each day!
• Faith
Read the BIBLE 30 minutes a day, Pray 15-30 minutes a day, and not miss one Faithworld Sunday Service for the next four Sundays.
• Family & Friends
Each day focus on loving, encouraging, and building each other up! Perhaps make one Encouraging Phone call or text per day to a different.
• Finances
For 21 Days refrain from unnecessary expenses. (You determine)
Instead, create a "Blessing Jar" and place the money you save in it.
Also: Determine to Tithe (10%) and give Offerings in every Sunday Service at FW CHICAGO.
(Even if you miss service)